*Products purchased by me.
Color: Pistachio green creme
Application: Easy to work with
Number of coats: 2
Top coat added: Yes
Availability: Limited Edition from the Buff to Bright collection
Where to buy: Rite Aid and Walgreens. If you have a Boots Drugstore check there for Pistache.
Colors in the Buff to Bright collection include:
Pistache: Limited Edition (previously released in Europe)
Nude: Limited Edition (previously released in Europe)
Genteel: Limited Edition (previously released in Europe)
Unicorn: Core
Endless Blue: Core
GoGo Girl: Core
Folly: Core
Cloud 9: Core
All opinions on this blog are my own and I have not been compensated for them. All products have been purchased by me unless otherwise noted. Any products provided to me for review are products I would have considered purchasing myself and the opinion I give on the review will be mine.